Energy-Efficiency Tools: How to Lower your Energy Costs
Tips on how to reduce your energy costs
- Wash clothes in cold water.
- Do full loads of laundry.
- Use a clothesline
- Use ceiling fans to stay cool.
- Open windows on nice days.
- Take short showers.
- Switch to LED light bulbs.
- Keep air vents clear.
- Unplug unused electronics.
- Use power strips to conserve electricity.
- Keep the lint trap in the dryer clean.
- Use a programmable thermostat to lower the heat at night and when the house is empty during the day.
- Use heavy cloth curtains or insulating blinds to cover the windows at night.
- Wrap your hot-water heater in a blanket or install a timer.
- Install a low-flow showerhead.
- Keep the coils of your refrigerator clean.
- Add insulation to your house.
This list was created with the assistance of Charles Hendricks and Johann Zimmerman.
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